Wednesday, January 11, 2012


You wondering what the purpoise of this blog is? Well I want everyone to sea the world differently!

Puns have always been acclaimed as the "highest form of humor," and while that may be true, one certainly doesn't have to be a genius to be a master of puns.

In this blog, I'll share all the techniques that I use to make puns out of nowhere in addition to sharing some of the ones I made (I hope you do the same!)

Once I start explaining my techniques, you'll start to understand that making puns only requires only common sense and a little creativity. I'll teach you how to expand your world view and exercise the right side of your brain (the one more creative half). Soon you'll know the right way to think!

I love puns, and feel free to share any of them you make or any that you've heard. However, I warn you, i've read every single pun on the internet, so you should think twice about reposting.

Thanks for reading!


~Random Pun~
Cool sign idea: Bewere wolves.

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