Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Why What does that mean?

The name came from the saying "the pen is mightier than the sword," which you very well know implies the great power of words. The domain title has a dual meaning, many people see it differently believe it or not. It could be read as both "mighty pen sword" or "mighty pen's word." Just a slight paradigm shift can open up new perspectives, which is the goal of this blog.

Start thinking out of the box!** Maybe you've been seeing your life through only one perspective, when in reality, multiple ones exist....

Stay healthy and free your mind,

Louis Cai

**Actually there shouldn't be a box at all. As my friend Nick pointed out, if everyone is thinking outside the box....then they're actually thinking inside the box....imagine the implications that quote might..contain

~Random related thought~
My good friend Taylor once wisely told me: "When you find yourself with someone you can't stand, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, you'll be a mile away from that person, and you'll have his shoes!

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